Thursday, June 24, 2004


In the olden days, specifically the 60's, there lived families with many children. These families lived in neighborhoods. The neighborhoods had tall trees and dandelions, block parties and mosquitoes. The nights were time for kick the can and freeze tag. The only rule. 'Come in when the street lights go on.'

On very special nights the bug spray truck would come out. We could hear it coming!
This small truck with its pesticide blower would spray gigantic clouds of white smoke behind it as it wove its way through the neighborhood. It had a pied piper effect on us. We followed in the billows. Boys on their bicycles, girls skipping and running happily behind it. It was a magical, deet-filled moment.

***"Always keep insect repellents out of the reach of children. Adults should apply repellent to young children. Follow all child safety precautions on labels."****

To that I say, "Bah! You don't know what you're missing!"

***UPDATE***Look what blog-sistah Alaska found!
A nice, new, handy-dandy spray-truck! Thanks AK!

Lookee this;

Introducing the first product promotion I was ever aware of. My sister Nancy was the proud owner of this Dino the dinosaur. For about half a day. Our brother plopped down, hard on it and there went the fine and dandy blow-up Dino. It was quite traumatic!


One more summertime memory....since it appears we will not be getting a summer here in Wisconsin this year...

When we went on a family vacation to Hayward Wisconsin we would have tons of family fun! We would fish, swim, go out to eat a lot (for it was mom's vacation too) collect rocks, go to the drive-in and coast.

Coasting is a very exciting activity! Our father would take the rocky back roads. The really big hilly back roads. He would put the car in neutral at the top and we would glide down with dust flying behind. Could we make it to the top of the next hill? I don't remember ever making it up and over...but it was sure thrilling trying!


Encourage one another,

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