Thursday, July 05, 2007

I really do apologize for an overabundance of Katie pictures.
But, here are my excuses;
My hubby doesn't like me to take his picture.
Some family members are blog shy.
My boys live far away.
Emma is safe in Vajaywada.
Our cat is quick, shy and blinks.
Katie takes a good picture.

I have an idea.

After reading this book.

And buying some new equipment.
(That is the first step to 'tack' sharp pictures. Equipment...which means....
a tripod.)

I think I shall write a book called 'Where's Katie'"

We'll travel the states.
And I'll take pictures of her.

Like the one above.

Then I will write a book called "Where's Katie; the European adventure".

And so on.
And so on.
And so on.

I did try.

I need a wide angle lens.

I need a bluer sky.
And a chain saw.

Pretty lighting.
Needs bluer sky.
Needs wider lens.

But until then.
You'll just have to forgive me.

So, how was your day?
Did you try any new recipes?
Any big hits or misses?

Were your fireworks a blast?

Encourage one another,

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