Monday, November 30, 2009

Cheese Curds Anyone?

In Wisconsin we have a delicious cheesy snack called cheese curds.
Cheese curds are small nuggets of cheese.

They are salty and best when very fresh. They squeak when you bite into them if they are very fresh.
Our local grocery store brings in fresh cheese curds on Tuesday and Friday.

On a small table in the deli section you will find the cheese curds are piled high in their little baggies with a plate in the middle for samples. A plate and some toothpicks for sanitary sampling.

Last week I filed past the cheese curd table and carefully picked up a toothpick to sample a curd.
After tasting the first salty curd, I turned my toothpick over to use the other side to pick up a pepper jack curd.


I looked down to toss my used toothpick in the discard container when I realized that....

I had picked up the toothpick FROM the discard container in the first place!


I am happy to report that I did not catch the flu or any thing else.

That I know of.

Encourage one another,

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