Monday, May 24, 2010

Path to Progress: Race Day across the country.


We got to Soldier's Field nice and early and got to see the Jesse White tumblers while we waited.
It was very foggy.

I immediately realized that I could NOT be reading people's t-shirts.
So many people with loved ones who are suffering. I had to gather myself and stop looking or I was going to be a mess.



Cindy and I had a quick cry when we saw this....


We had the coolest t-shirts in the whole wide world.

Our niece Lindsay designed them and had them made and sent them to many of our family members....


The early birds :o)


Janice and Janet being the most excellent models! Clever posing girls :o)

The Arizona contingent was 14 strong!!!! They started out at 6:30am so they could be walking at the same time we were!


Here is Nancy! She is all set to go in Minocqua! The Northwoods leg of the race!


We saw cousin Bridget there! Emma ran with Bridget and Bridget's friends.
(They were running for a friend's mother.)

I'm trying to make a movie here.

Watch Cindy dance. She was channeling Nancy and being the tiny dancer ;o)


We were walking for about ten minutes when Emma lapped us!!!

Go Emma Go!

jjwhole group

In Arizona, they walked in the beautiful sunshine!


Such a pretty shot.


Our big sister Nancy, her sweet hubby and their daughter/baker, Carrie :o)


Cindy, Lindsay and Katie, coming across the finish line.
(For the third time for Cindy. She was our finish line escort and cheerleader!)


Eric (Lindsay's boyfriend) and Buzz (Eric's dad) looking good and finishing strong!!


I was there too ;o)
Notice the red face.
Oh my.

Hey! Our brother Jimmy, he did a 5K on the elliptical machine in honor of Sue and all of the other
families that are fighting this terrible disease.

Isn't that great!!!

We sure love our Sue!
We miss her so much and hope our efforts make a difference.

Thank you again for all the prayers and support!!!

Love you.
Mean it.

Encourage one another,

All photos courtesy of the iphone, and Nikon Coolpix
here there and everywhere.

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