Tuesday, March 01, 2016


March is here...
Our winter has been mild and I'm not going to complain about that!
This morning we got a few inches of snow. No biggie really.
Because it is March!
The days are longer.
The snow will melt.

I feel like we have dogged a bullet.
Free pass.

Four months of winter are in the past....
Spring is on the way!

John Updike is my fave.

Encourage one another,
Donna Elsie

I met a little girl at school named Elsie.  
It made me happy.


  1. Such hope in the air with a little warmth and "shy budlets peeping" everywhere. I'm glad your winter was not a bad one.

    Elsie is a good name. My husband's aunt is an Elsie. My daughter was going to name our Nora, Elsa, five and a half years ago. Now she's glad she didn't. Frozen...

  2. Hi! I just wanted to tell you how much I love my new flower print! Thank you! It makes me happy.

    1. Are you the mystery woman who bought the framed print? If so, thank you!!! I don't get to know who was kind enough to purchase items!
      Thank you!!!

    2. Yes, that's me! Never been called the mystery woman before. lol I enjoy your photos and your use of fine quotes! Your print is making my home in CT feel more like spring. <3

  3. Happy March everyone! Winter is almost over! Hurrah! Spring is just around the corner!

  4. So glad you got to meet a little Elsie. And your poem selections never disappoint. :)


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